Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Autosomal DNA Matching 101, Class Two: A New Word

While reading the latest post from Roberta J Estes at DNAeXplained, I had to stop and look up a new word as it relates to autosomal DNA matching. Here's another look at my autosomal matching results so far. Those yellow boxes are areas of my ancestry where this new word applies.

Roberta shared and commented on the perspective of  Tim Janzen, a conference presenter:
"... endogamous relationships are a tough problem with no easy answer. Polynesians, Ashkenazi Jews, Low German Mennonites, Acadians, Amish, and island populations. Do I ever agree with him!  I have Brethren, Mennonite and Acadian in the same parent’s line."

Endogamous is a new word to me. However, seeing the words Mennonite, Amish and Brethren really got my attention. Wikipedia tells me that endogamy refers to the tradition of intermarriage within a cultural group. The ancestors who are the source of my matches in the yellow blocks fall into these specific cultural groups.

I know that there are many more matches in both those areas of my tree. The Swiss-German Peffley family at the bottom right is strongly associated with many other such families, yet I can't find the common ancestor with matches from those families. It must be due to those multiple intermarriages to which Roberta and Tim are referring. Now I understand that these groups are challenging and the answers may not be as easy as I had supposed.

As you work with your own difficult autosomal matches, be sure to notice and consider such clusters and remember this concept. Endogamous cultures may be a challenge for you, also.

1 comment:

  1. Right now it is all a challenge to me. That was interesting, I need to get back and read the ones I have missed.
