Monday, June 10, 2013

Completion -- Part Two

What next? Where do I look? Sometimes when researching I get to what I think is a dead end. Or I finish up the immediate research and need a new direction. A tool that I don't use nearly enough is sitting in my genealogy toolkit. If Roots Magic is a tape measure, this tool is a stud finder.


The GenSmarts program uses artificial intelligence to analyze a genealogy database and give the user a list of things to clean up and ideas of where to find missing or more data. There are reviews online, so I'm just going to give you a quick tour.

Ideas to Clean it Up

What next? Maybe it's time to do a little tidying up. It tells me about date problems and location problems.


What's Where

When I visit ACPL this summer, here's a long list of things I can look for.


What Else Exists

I need an idea to fill in missing facts. What does GenSmarts know about looking for that missing data. This list can be filtered by person or family so it's not so overwhelming. 

Why and Where

GenSmarts tells me what to search, why, and even lists the repositories and call numbers for the record set at each repository.

GenSmarts isn't perfect. It doesn't know every repository. But it's definitely worth checking out.

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